25,000 Naira Renewed Hope CTT from Federal Government
The federal government of Nigeria has started sending Naira 25,000 RenewedHopeCTT of the Household Uplifting Programme Conditional Cash Transfer (HUP-CCT) from National Cash transfer Office (NTCO) to bring the smiles and bringing hope to the rural poor. And you have chance to apply Renewed Hope from from the Federal Government
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As you can see the transaction alert 25,000 RenewedHopeCTT from National Cash transfer Office (NTCO) in attached below
 You can apply
- Apply FG National Business Skills Development Initiative (NBSDI) 2024
- Green Money Project Registration Form
- How Apply for FG LEEP Empowerment Program
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RRR fg program, is true, but it seems scam due to lack of links to apply. If not, where is the actual link that all poors people can participate?
Is true